My primary objective? To journal the mission trip through photography. The photos would be brought back to our church so members of the church could better see the activities related to the mission trip.
In June of 2010 I have the opportunity to attend Kenya for a second time. I will be journaling this trip as well. In addition I will work more closely with the mission team as counselor of sorts.
The mission team primarily consists of teenagers and young adults ranging from 16-21 years of age. In 2007 we had a “mens” team that ministered in a different way.
The men worked with Agape Fellowship members to establish a computer learning center with the 14 PC’s we brought along, trained church personnel in proper sound system techniques, trained them to construct and operate two water treatments systems we brought along, and installed a diesel to fryer oil conversion kit on a church vehicle.
I have selected a handful of the nearly 2500 photos I took on the trip to provide you a little taste of the efforts of the mission team and give you a little insight to the areas of Kenya we visited in 2007.
The first part of the trip was spent in Nairobi, Kenya. It was amazing to see how “modern” central Nairobi was. They had a shopping mall like any respectful size city here in the States.
On one side of the road you had a booming city. Cross the road and you have some of the worst slums in the world. It was something I was not used to.

We spent some time at the Agape Fellowship church. It is located not far from Kibera, Nairobi’s second largest slum. Kibera is home to nearly 1.2 million people. Here in the States you might have six families per acre, amounting to about 15-20 people per acre. In Kibera there are roughly 1250 people per acre.
This is a new building being constructed near Agape Fellowship.

Here is a photo of the streets of Kabatini. Kabatini is just outside of Nakuru some 120 miles north of Nairobi. Not nearly as bad as Kibera but nothing like you would see in the States by any means. Note that is did not rain for days in this area. The mud consists of sewage run off. Needless to say, the sights and sounds were one thing. The smells in Kenya, were another story.

While in Kenya we visited a number of small cities, suburbs and slums. Githeri, Nakuru, Kabatini, Njoro, Kibera, and Nairobi to name a few of the places we visited. Some were rather remote small towns.
Here are some photos from some of the areas visited.
A church in Njoro.
The streets of Githeri

Just outside of Nakuru near one of the Agape Fellowship churches.

The teens and young adults often ministered by means of dramas. Although the English language is taught, many in the slums do not go to school. It was much easier to spread the Gospel with dramas and take with people afterwards.
Dramas were held at schools, in the streets, and at some of the churches. In a square mile there might be six or eight schools. Each school serves between 800 and 1200 students. Classrooms are small and therefore very crowded.
Here are some photos of dramas, schools, and observers.
A grade school in Nakuru.

A classroom at the Nakuru school.

A drama at the school in Nakuru

The teens and young adults often ministered by means of dramas. Although the English language is taught, many in the slums do not go to school. It was much easier to spread the Gospel with dramas and take with people afterwards.
Dramas were held at schools, in the streets, and at some of the churches. In a square mile there might be six or eight schools. Each school serves between 800 and 1200 students. Classrooms are small and therefore very crowded.
Here are some photos of dramas, schools, and observers.
A grade school in Nakuru.

A classroom at the Nakuru school.

A drama at the school in Nakuru
Student onlookers at the Nakuru school

A more high end private school in the Nakuru area.

A drama at another public school in the Nakuru area.
A drama in the streets of Githeri.

The dramas held at the schools were a rather captive audience. The children loved the dramas.
Open air crusades were held in the streets of the cities. Onlookers of all ages would stop and watch the drama, and listen to the message from the Kenyan preachers.

I will be visiting Kenya in 2010. I am asking for your help. I know many of you may not know me that well. Follow your heart. If you do not feel comfortable donating or cannot afford to donate, please pray for me.
The Enemy does not want the Word of God shared…period. The attacks that participants of the mission trip face are many. The Enemy does not want us to go and wants us to feel defeated before we even get on the plan. Your prayers are needed and appreciated.
If you scroll back up to the top part of my blog page you will see a Paypal Donation button. Please use this means to donate whatever you feel lead to.
Here is my personal email address. I would like to know if you donated so please drop me a line. If you are willing, I would like to send you a CD of photos after I return from the trip. It is a small token of thanks for your contribution.
Please feel free to email with any questions at all. I appreciate your taking time to read this blog.

Thank you.
Scott Denny
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